Vision and Mission

We are a church that seeks the good of
We aspire to be known for what we are
We are a church that is always on about
Bondi for Jesus
At Bondi Anglican we want to see Bondi for Jesus.
This will happen as people engage with Jesus and are changed by him for good.
We engage with him by faith in his word at church, mid week groups and personal devotions.
He changes us into people who are actively growing.
Aware of his love and grace
Love our neighbourhood and neighbours
Standing for good and at odds with evil (in the world and ourselves)
Connected with our church body
Depth of faith, fruit, insight and discernment
Integrate our faith with all our life - work - rest - community.
Recieve the world as a gift- rather than a commodity or evil
Faithfully listening to God's word to know who He is

2050 Strategic Direction
Multiply gatherings full of people engaging with Jesus and being changed for good.
Grow and promote our larger church gatherings as flagships of ministry.
Encourage every member along a pathway towards mature ministry.
Establish and grow ministry partnerships to reach out beyond our church doors.
Ensure our buildings support and do not inhibit our long term sustainable ministry.
Practice wise financial planning and stewardship as we reach Bondi for Jesus.